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April 14, 2023 11:42 AM

Updated statement regarding LockBit claims

Mike Beck, Chief Information Security Officer, Darktrace

We have completed a thorough security investigation following yesterday’s tweets by LockBit claiming they had compromised Darktrace’s internal systems. We can confirm that there has been no compromise of our systems or any of our affiliate systems. Our service to our customers remains uninterrupted and is operating as normal and no further action is required.

Comunicado de prensa

April 13, 2023 9:30 AM

Statement regarding LockBit claims

Earlier this morning we became aware of tweets from LockBit, the cyber-criminal gang, claiming that they had compromised Darktrace’s internal security systems and had accessed our data. Our security teams have run a full review of our internal systems and can see no evidence of compromise. None of the LockBit social media posts link to any compromised Darktrace data. We will continue to monitor the situation extremely closely, but based on our current investigations we are confident that our systems remain secure and all customer data is fully protected.

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451 Research Calls Darktrace “The Clear Leader in Anomaly Detection”

Extols Its Market Presence As “Well Ahead of Peers”
Cambridge, Reino Unido
May 23, 2017

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451 Research Calls Darktrace “The Clear Leader in Anomaly Detection”

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May 23, 2017

Darktrace, the leader in Enterprise Immune System technology, has today announced that 451 Research has published a glowing report about Darktrace, in which it calls the company “the clear leader in anomaly detection driven by unsupervised machine learning”.

Darktrace is building impressive market presence with a high degree of focus on differentiated unsupervised machine learning,” says the report. “The ‘secret sauce’ for Darktrace remains depth and experience with unsupervised machine learning applied to its modeling of IT systems as organisms protected by immune systems.”

Other highlights from the report include:

  • “Four-year-old Darktrace is the clear leader in network behavioral and anomaly detection driven by unsupervised machine learning, which requires no external context or advanced knowledge of the system.”
  • “Key differentiation with respect to detection is seen in Darktrace’s ability to accurately judge gray-area anomalous activities.”
  • “The company’s sharp eye for opportunities in IoT, and a potential role helping cyber-insurance markets to mature and more dynamically calculate risk, should serve it well.”
  • “The Enterprise Immune System is best described as an in-progress threat detection and response capability.”

Acerca de Darktrace

Acerca de Darktrace

Darktrace es la empresa líder mundial en aprendizaje automático para la ciberseguridad. Creado por matemáticos de la Universidad de Cambridge, el Enterprise Immune System utiliza algoritmos de IA para detectar y actuar automáticamente contra las ciberamenazas en todo tipo de redes, incluidas las físicas, las de la nube y las virtualizadas, así como los sistemas de control industrial y de IoT. Darktrace, una plataforma autoconfigurable, no requiere ninguna configuración previa, e identifica las amenazas avanzadas en tiempo real, incluidos los días cero, los atacantes internos y los sigilosos y silenciosos. Con sede en San Francisco y Cambridge (Reino Unido), Darktrace cuenta con 23 oficinas en todo el mundo.

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