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April 14, 2023 11:42 AM

Updated statement regarding LockBit claims

Mike Beck, Chief Information Security Officer, Darktrace

We have completed a thorough security investigation following yesterday’s tweets by LockBit claiming they had compromised Darktrace’s internal systems. We can confirm that there has been no compromise of our systems or any of our affiliate systems. Our service to our customers remains uninterrupted and is operating as normal and no further action is required.

Comunicado de prensa

April 13, 2023 9:30 AM

Statement regarding LockBit claims

Earlier this morning we became aware of tweets from LockBit, the cyber-criminal gang, claiming that they had compromised Darktrace’s internal security systems and had accessed our data. Our security teams have run a full review of our internal systems and can see no evidence of compromise. None of the LockBit social media posts link to any compromised Darktrace data. We will continue to monitor the situation extremely closely, but based on our current investigations we are confident that our systems remain secure and all customer data is fully protected.

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Darktrace Cyber ‘Immune System’ Fights Back

New Era of Machine-On-Machine Attacks – Digital Antibodies Launched
Cambridge, UK, and San Francisco
March 1, 2016

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Darktrace Cyber ‘Immune System’ Fights Back

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March 1, 2016

Darktrace, the world leader in Enterprise Immune System technology for cyber security, has announced Darktrace Antigena, a ground-breaking new product that uses machine learning to allow networks to automatically self-defend.

At the dawn of a new era where machines fight machines and sophisticated attackers are mobilized, Darktrace is the first company in the world to arm the defenders with proven machine learning and mathematics that work without any prior knowledge of attacks, rules or signatures. With Antigena, Darktrace now spots and inoculates against unknown threats, as they germinate within organizations in real time.

The battle to protect the border is over. The real struggle has now moved inside our networks.

“The battlefield is the corporate network - we cannot fight the battle on the border anymore. We are living through a new era of threat which is relentless and pernicious - and it’s inside our networks now. Today, we have arrived at new detection that reacts faster than any security team can,” said Nicole Eagan, CEO, Darktrace.

With over 200 customers and 20 global locations, Darktrace is the fastest growing cyber company in the world and recognized by the World Economic Forum, thanks to its Enterprise Immune System technology:

  • De facto solution for addressing insider and external threats – across all industries
  • Detects threat without any prior knowledge of what it is looking for
  • Powered by unparalleled machine learning, developed by renowned mathematicians from the University of Cambridge
  • No rules, no signatures

Darktrace Antigena is a new product innovation, which replicates the function of antibodies in the human immune system. As the Enterprise Immune System detects a threat in its tracks, Antigena modules act as an additional defense capability that automatically neutralize live threats, without requiring human intervention.

With Antigena, organizations are arming themselves with self-defending systems that will strike back, irrespective of the type of threat faced.

Unique capabilities of Darktrace Antigena:

  • Directly inoculate against full range of potential threats – without rules or signatures
  • Prevent, slow or disrupt activity in real time – stop threats before they spread
  • No disruption to day-to-day activity – no false alerts

“This is an incredibly difficult problem to solve. Darktrace has the only fundamental technology capable of addressing it – using machine learning and mathematics, developed by specialists from the University of Cambridge,” continued Nicole Eagan, CEO, Darktrace.

“Antigena is a major new step forward in ‘immune system’ defense – providing more automation, freeing up more people and equipping them with ammunition that actually works – in this new phase of perpetual internal threat.”

Darktrace Antigena modules include:

  • Antigena Internet – regulates user and machine access to the internet and beyond
  • Antigena Communication – regulates email, chat and other messaging protocols
  • Antigena Network – regulates machine and network connectivity and user access permissions

Find out more at or email

Acerca de Darktrace

Nombrada "Pionera tecnológica" por el Foro Económico Mundial, Darktrace es una de las principales empresas de defensa contra las ciberamenazas del mundo. Su tecnología el Enterprise Immune System detecta en tiempo real amenazas no identificadas anteriormente, gracias al aprendizaje automático y a las matemáticas desarrolladas en la Universidad de Cambridge, que analizan el comportamiento de cada dispositivo, usuario y red dentro de una organización. Algunas de las mayores empresas del mundo confían en el dispositivo de aprendizaje automático de Darktrace en sectores como la energía y los servicios públicos, los servicios financieros, las telecomunicaciones, la sanidad, la fabricación, el comercio minorista y el transporte. La empresa fue fundada en 2013 por destacados especialistas en aprendizaje automático y expertos en inteligencia gubernamental, y tiene su sede en Cambridge (Reino Unido) y San Francisco, así como oficinas en Auckland, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Londres, Los Ángeles, Milán, Bombay, Nueva York, París, Seúl, Singapur, Sídney, Tokio, Toronto y Washington D.C.

Acerca de Darktrace

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